We are all aware of Cryptography. Am I right? Cryptography is a practice in which secure communication is studied in the presence of third parties. Why do we use Cryptography?

    Have you ever pondered over this fact? The aim is to create information systems that are robust enough against attacks, namely eavesdropping, manipulation, and various other forms of attack.

    What is Cryptography?

    Cryptography is the basis of encryption in which plaintext is transformed into ciphertext. I am trying to explain to the readers the concept to make it clearer to understand.

    For those who are unaware, let me tell you that ciphers were the first encryption technique that was designed to encrypt plain text, which could be either substitution ciphers or transposition ciphers.

    The decryption is a reverse process that moves unintelligible cipher text back to the original plaintext. A cipher can, therefore, be regarded as a pair of algorithms that is the creator of encryption as well as decryption.

    Ciphers were very easy to use with the coming of computers, where brute force algorithms were rightly used to decode the correct code. In this article, we will highlight cryptography as well as blockchain algorithms.

    Introduction to Blockchain

    Blockchain is now the talk of the town. Blockchain is an open, distributed, decentralized, and public ledger where the transactions are recorded not to alter the records. Blockchain utilizes the power of cryptography.

    Cryptography is the writing of code that requires authorized decoding along with encryption. However, blockchain is managed by the network that follows the protocols necessary for nodal communication and validation of new blocks. The differences between cryptography and blockchain will make the concept crystal clear.

    Cryptocurrency is a digital currency where encryption is used for regulating and generating currency units. Cryptography is used by cryptocurrency for security purposes, whereas blockchain records transactions.

    The mechanism that involves adding a chain of records to the validation of transactions is what is referred to as the blockchain algorithm. It is now vibrant enough for our readers to differentiate between cryptography and blockchain.

    Why do we use algorithms? What is the role of algorithms in our daily life? This may be tricky, but let us simplify it for you. Generally, algorithms have the power to direct human beings’ actions along with laying an impact on the information that is true. Yes, our actions are governed by algorithms.

    Algorithms also work in socio-technical systems where we know more precise use of blockchain algorithms and the importance of studying the algorithms that can power the complete technology.


    Search engines or social media companies like Google and Facebook govern us through algorithms that compel us to understand how we act upon, socialize, purchase, and many other things that are controlled by third-party companies nowadays. With this, it’s a wrap-up on this post to keep you updated by our further posts. Stay tuned for my new articles. Until then, keep reading about blockchain, as this will be big.


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